Welcome to Bunny Blossoms Farm

A small but bountiful urban farm filled with blooms, sweet fragrances, and the simple joys of gardening life.

Although we are a small farm, we have a wide range of flowers available. If you are searching for a particular color or type of flower for your bouquets, please feel free to contact me via the contact page and let me know what you require. I would be more than happy to assist you in finding the perfect flowers for your needs.

About Andrea, the owner:

I grew up in a small farming town in Missouri, where I enjoyed being surrounded by nature and animals. Some of my favorite childhood memories involve running around in fields and wading through streams.

My family has a long history of farming, and we always had a garden at home, which is why gardening has always been an important part of my identity. It is incredibly satisfying for me to watch a seed grow into a beautiful plant.

In addition to being a mother and wife, I also enjoy raising angora rabbits and I run a secondary business making needle felted ornaments.